Code officials must make sure all elements of buildings and homes meet building code requirements. This includes all Distributed Energy Resource technologies in commercial and residential buildings. This comprehensive Code Official Training will cover important code implications for a number of DER technologies.
Model Codes and DERs module serves as our main introductory module. Users will learn the basic structure of the model code system, their implementation process, and their purpose. While this material will likely be very familiar to all code officials, it is still important to introduce these topics in the context of Distributed Energy Resources.
High Performance Building Systems Unit: This grouping of training solutions explores the house or building as a system. Each module highlights one system within a building that contributes to energy use or efficiency.
- High Performance Lighting 101 highlights specific lighting technologies or design concepts that can easily be implemented within a building. The training ends with a discussion of lighting energy code requirement and the COMcheck software.
- The Building Envelope Code Training module covers the important role that a building envelope plays in saving energy. This training is fairly technical and explores different energy code considerations.
- HVAC Mechanical Code Training Module: While this training is very complex, it would benefit code officials to understand the core concepts and foundations of this topic. It is important for code officials to recognize proper code compliant HVAC installations, especially on advanced energy efficiency systems that may be less common.
The final Module, PV Installation 101, covers basic installation procedures and requirements of solar energy systems. Relevant sections include safety regulations and proper code compliant installation
After completing the below modules, users will be able to:
Model Codes and Distributed Energy Resources
- Understand what a model code is and their importance to the built environment.
- Accurately interpret sections of model code.
- Understand and Identify code compliant application
High Performance Lighting 101
- Understand the impact of lighting on national energy usage and emissions
- Compare advanced lighting retrofit options
- Describe indoor vs outdoor lighting considerations
- Understand common lighting controls and automations
- Explain effective lighting design
- Understand how to apply the IECC and ASHRAE 90.1 to maximize lighting efficiency
High Performance Building Envelope Code Training
Understand the contributions of light commercial buildings to national energy usage and emissions
Define the elements of a durable and efficient building envelope
Understand how to apply the 2021 IECC energy code to define a high performance building envelope in your climate zone
Describe the key issues that prevent a building envelop from operating at a high performance level
Describe the process for commercial blower door testing
Explain how to specify a commercial blower door test to be a part of a project
Evaluate the impact of a high performance building envelope on DERs
Discuss how to improve the performance of a building envelop as a retrofit project
High Performance HVAC and Mechanical Code Training
Identify and describe key characteristics of different types of HVAC/Mechanical systems
Explain how DERs interact with HVAC/Mechanical systems
Identify code requirements regarding sizing, design, and selection of HVAC equipment and ducts
Explain how the ACCA Manual J, S, and D load calculation standards are used to determine appropriate sizing and design of ducts and HVAC equipment
Evaluate general installation rules, requirements, and regulations for HVAC/Mechanical systems
Compare installed HVAC and duct systems to outputs of Manual J and S to verify proper sizing and design
Demonstrate confidence in selecting and assessing installation of HVAC/Mechanical systems by properly completing a homeowner inspection checklist
Work effectively with contractors and code to deliver high performance building systems that enable DER technologies and their benefits
Solar PV: Installation 101
- Understand important building code requirements and how to recognize violations of the codes when you are on the job.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Code Officials' Guide to Energy Code and Distributed Energy Resources Certificate
Learning credits
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