Southface experts Mike Barcik and Joey Starr present basic principles of building science, with emphasis on heat transfer (the conversion and exchange of thermal energy between objects, materials, or systems). An understanding of heat transfer can guide informed investments and best practices for improving home energy efficiency. Specific topics covered include the three types of heat transfer (radiation, conduction, convection), a basic overview of heat flow calculations, and recommended practices for retrofits and other efficiency improvements in the attic.
This course consists of a video training, slide deck, and exam. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate of completion for CEUs from ICC, AIA, and BPI.
The full video has a runtime of 1 hour, 11 minutes.
The full slide deck is provided in the Resources module.
The exam consists of 10 multiple choice questions.
After successful completion of this training and exam, participants will be able to:
- Define types of heat transfer (radiation, conduction, convection)
- Define and demonstrate an understanding of a convective loop
- Identify the thermal envelope of a house
- Demonstrate an understanding of best practices for insulation coverage
- Identify recommended best practices for insulating key points in an attic and attic access
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Southface Certificate of Completion C
Learning credits
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