Southface experts Mike Barcik and Joey Starr present best practices for duct design, including recommended materials and methods for installing, sealing, and insulating ductwork, as well as diagnosing duct problems and applying code requirements and ACCA standards to sizing, design, and selection of HVAC equipment.
This course consists of a video training, slide deck, and exam. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate of completion for CEUs from ICC, AIA, BPI, and RESNET.
The full video has a runtime of 1 hour, 17 minutes.
The full slide deck is provided for free download in the Resources module
The exam consists of 15 multiple choice questions.
After successful completion of this course and exam, participants will be able to:
- Apply knowledge of building science to duct design
- Identify best materials and methods for installing, air sealing, and insulating ductwork
- Explain how a home’s forced air distribution system works
- Diagnose duct leakage problems
- Apply code requirements and ACCA standards to sizing, design, and selection of HVAC equipment and ducts
- Demonstrate an understanding of proper duct design
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Southface Certificate of Completion B
Learning credits
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