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Southface’s EMPOWERED Training Solution One will provide you with an overview of model codes, including those important to your distributed energy resource implementation.   Read more

This training provides foundational information on high-performance technology topics to both homeowners and professionals. This will equip industry professionals, such as contractors and designers, with the knowledge base and expertise to reassure and push homeowners to fully realize the benefit of these technologies. The training will also reinforce proper installation and verification procedures, ensuring that contractors meet code requirements.  Read more

In this training solution you will learn about the benefits of converting from polluting diesel buses to improved zero-emission electrical versions that are easy to adopt and maintain both in the short- and long-term.  This course will provide a baseline understanding of the technology and its best practices. This will allow a more seamless transition to this technology in places where the technology may not be fully understood, providing positive experiences for first adopters. Read more

This training will cover all major aspects of commercial high performance building envelopes, from design and implementation to system verification. This training will also demonstrate the benefits of implementing high performance envelopes and detail important building envelope code considerations.  Read more

This training solution will demonstrate the energy efficiency gains of advanced lighting upgrades, targeting building owners with energy and cost savings figures. Once building owners decide to upgrade lighting, especially in commercial buildings, facilities managers and other contractors are responsible for choosing the technology and completing the installation. This course will demonstrate how to correctly assess the best lighting type and retrofit strategy for the current situation.  Read more

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